Monday, March 19, 2012

Moving on... =)

I´m so proud to introduce you my new Blog:

I´m Brazilian, I live in Brazil, but thanks to my new friend Catarina Silva, from DOCERELA CREATIONS (you DEFINITELY have to stop by!), I´m becoming international. Wow...
On her site she throws challenges and shares her projects and ideas.
Catarina is from USA and she "appeared" in my life in a very special moment. 
I can say I so needed her right now but I think I never told her this... So, THANK YOU SO MUCH, Cat!
She´s creating LOVELY clear stamps sets and now she´s releasing some sets in Portuguese! 
I´m SO thankful for that too! To take a look to her stamps in ENGLISH please go here
And the sets in PORTUGUESE are here.
Catarina Silva is also a Close to my Heart Independent Consultant. You can visit her CTMH site here.

Cat is always figuring out something NEW, CREATING something that can attend the paper crafters, specially the Scrapbookers and WOW them. Creation is really her thing. And maybe that´s the reason we got along so well. Because I am always creating (or trying to) create something new too. So, when she suggested me to add the word CREATIONS to my brand AMORECOS (in Portuguese something like "little lovable things"), I thought it really amazing.   =) 

She also invited me to be a part of her Design Team!! I couldn´t be happier!   =D 
I promise I´ll do my best on the challenges and projects. So, MANY "THANK YOUS" to you, Catarina!
And another BIG THANK YOU to the other Design Team Girls: Carri, Nitasha and Ana
I can´t wait to know you all better!   =)

Below you can take a peek on some (just a little little "some") AMORECOS CREATIONS products:

AMORECOS CREATIONS works with paper and fabric. 
I LOVE to mix different materials, and medias when I´m working with canvas and even paper 
and, of course, I LOVE to use the CRICUT!!!
I also love to make CARDS, BOOKMARKS, BRAG BOOKS and whatever 
my imagination and my heart tell me to do.   ;-)
The only rule is to HAVE FUN!    ;-D

So, the time is NOW! 


  1. Great post! AWWW your such a sweetheart. We also love to have you in our team as well. I'm sure we will have many many fun moments in our team. I thank God for all of you!

    Thank you so much for also being a part of our team.

    Welcome aboard!


  2. Cat, I´m very happy. I can´t tell how much.
    A LOT! =)


  3. Welcome to the team!! Looking forward to designing with you!
    Your post is super sweet!
